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Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Silviculture

Nutrient Input via Incident Rainfall in a Eucalyptus dunnii Stand in the Pampa biome

Grasiele Dick; Mauro Valdir Schumacher; Dione Richer Momolli; Márcio Viera

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ABSTRACT: We evaluated the nutrient input via incident rainfall in a Eucalyptus dunnii stand in the Brazilian Pampa biome. During the two-year study, we analyzed nutrient concentrations in incident rainfall (P), throughfall via drip (Pi), and stemflow (Et). Ion concentrations (NO2-, NO3-, PO43- , SO42-, Cl-, K+, Ca2+ , and Mg2+) were determined from the aqueous solution, and based on the water volume, the quantity per hectare (kg ha-1) was estimated for each element. Statistical differences observed by ANOVA and separation of means contrasts were subjected to Tukey’s test (5%), adopting a completely randomized design. Higher concentrations of SO4 2- in P; NO3- in Pi solution, and K+, Ca2+ , Mg2+, and Cl- in Et were observed. Greater amounts of nutrients such as Cl-, K+, Ca2+, and SO42 were incorporated via Pi.


forest hydrology, forest nutrition, geochemical cycling


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