Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Silviculture

Are Seeds of Genipa americana L. (Rubiaceae) Tolerance to Water Submersion?

Julielen Zanetti Brandani; Mário Soares Junglos; Etenaldo Felipe Santiago; Silvana de Paula Quintão Scalon; Rosilda Mara Mussury

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ABSTRACT: The knowledge of the germination responses of seeds from plants growing along river margins or in areas susceptible to flooding is an important factor in the adoption of restoration practices. Considering that maturation of fruits of Genipa Americana L. when river margins are flooded, we raised some questions: Is seed germination of this species affected by water submersion, and, do distinct seed populations present differences in germination? Seeds of G. Americana were submerged in water for different periods to assess the germination and growing responses, using populations from different locations. Water submersion decreased the germination percentage and the germination speed index, and increased seed mean germination time in both populations. Growth was found to be hampered for most variables in the different seed populations. The adaptation of G. Americana to flooding involves the seeds being tolerant to submersion, with this factor not being effective in distinguishing populations studied here.


anoxia, germination, hypoxia, phenotypic plasticity, populations


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