Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Protected Area Systems in South American Countries

Geraldo Majela Moraes Salvio; Carolina Ribeiro Gomes

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ABSTRACT: Protected Areas (PA) represent an important biodiversity conservation strategy, but these areas are threatened by increasing human pressure and inefficient management. Thus, the objective was to analyze the management of PA in South America, a continent with particular characteristics in relation to the political and socioeconomic complexity that reflect the way each country manages its PA. The results showed that, although there is progress in establishing PAs, there is only effective protection when they have adequate size and management, and Protected Area Systems (PAS) are established. It was possible to observe the importance of the PAS, since, PA managed outside it have comprehensive norms, without defined criteria, with several organs operating without connection. For PA management, uniform and standardized actions are fundamental in order to allow a global network for biodiversity protection.


NPAS, national park, conservation of natural areas


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