Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Forest Management

Soil Organic Matter Fractions Under Eucalypt Plantation in Reform Management

Emanuelle Merces Barros Soares; Rafael da Silva Teixeira; Rodrigo Nogueira de Sousa; Aline de Almeida Vasconcelos; Ivo Ribeiro da Silva

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ABSTRACT: Harvesting and reform in eucalyptus can lead to changes in soil organic matter (SOM). The objective of this work was to evaluate the changes in total organic C (TOC) and N (NT), C and N in humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FH), light organic matter (LOM) and microbial biomass (MB), in Ultisol of eucalypt stands over one, two and four years of renovated areas in Rio Grande do Sul state. After the first year of eucalyptus reform, there were 78% of increases in TOC (0.0-1.0-m soil layer). After two years, there was an increase in TN and an average reduction of 52% in LOM-C (0.0-0.1-m soil layer). FA-C, HA-C, and HU-C presented mean reductions of 43 Mg ha–1 (0.0-1.0-m soil layer) after four years of reform. The litter contribution of previous crop and the crop residues from the harvest resulted in increments of the SOM fractions. However, there is a negative effect in later years.


forest soils, reform, humic substances, microbial biomass, light organic matter


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