Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Tree Responses to Soil and Edge Effects in a Semideciduous Forest Remnant

Marcela de Castro Nunes Santos Terra; Grazielle Sales Teodoro; Daniel Salgado Pifano; Fernando Bonillo Fernandes; Tainá Mamede Cirne Silva; Eduardo van den Berg

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ABSTRACT: The present study seeks to characterize the composition, structure, and functional traits of the tree stratum of a Semideciduous Forest in Pouso Alegre, MG, Brazil (22º12’43”S and 45º59’30”W), by comparing Edge and Interior habitats and their relation to human impacts and soil variables. The tree community (diameter at 1.3 m (DBH) higher than 5 cm) was inventoried using the point-centered quarter method by laying out 12 transects of 450 m each (six transects in the Edge and six in the Interior). Functional traits – wood density and seed mass – were obtained by genus. The impact evaluation and soil sample collection were realized per transect. We found significant differences in terms of the basal area (higher in Interior), diversity (higher in Interior) and community seed mass (higher in Edge). The effects of higher values of soil traits such as Calcium, Magnesium, cation sum (CS) and base saturation (V) on species composition were stronger in the Interior, while human induced impacts and soil Potassium had an overwhelming effect on the Edge.


Brazilian biodiversity hotspot , forest ecology, fragmentation, anthropic impact, forest edges


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