Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Silviculture

Gallesia integrifolia (Spreng.) Harms. Growth Under Different Shade and Water Availability Conditions

Taysi Pereira Firmino; Caroline Barbeiro; Mariza Barion Romagnolo; Lindamir Hernandez Pastorini

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Abstract: Our study sought to evaluate parameters of mycorrhizal growth and colonization of Gallesia integrifolia under different light and water availability conditions. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, with the following treatments: three light levels (0%, 50% and 80% shading), and two water regimes (watering daily and twice a week), in a completely randomized experimental design. The results showed that the plants kept under 50% shading and the ones kept under full light, both watered daily, had the best performance. Mycorrhizal association was observed in all treatments, which favored the establishment of seedlings even in environments with less water availability. G. integrifolia showed acclimation to higher levels of shading and lower availability of water, which may be related to the species plasticity and its wide distribution.


leaf area, mycorrhizal association, dry mass, water stress, shading


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