Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Silviculture

Biomass Deposition and Chemical Composition of Litterfall in Clonal Eucalyptus Plantations

Giovanno Radel de Vargas; Renato Marques; Jonas Eduardo Bianchin; Wilson Wagner Ribeiro Teixeira; Hilbert Blum

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ABSTRACT: Productivity in clonal eucalyptus plantations depends on the genetic material and on the demand and cycling of nutrients, making studies that evaluate these requirements necessary. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of management (with and without thinning) on ​​the deposition, chemical composition and nutrient contribution in litter at different clonal or stallion eucalyptus plantations. The experiment was conducted under a subdivided plot design for comparison of “clone” and “thinning” treatments. Plots were composed of eight different clonal and eucalyptus seed plantations, with subplots being areas where thinning was performed and areas without thinning. Litter deposition pattern associated to seasons was observed, with higher values ​​in the spring and summer. The leaf fraction was more representative in relation to nutrients. Deposition values ​​were close in most plantations. Nutritional contents were higher in leaves of areas with thinning in relation to the other areas.


litter, clones, thinning


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