ABSTRACT: The tobacco production requires annually a large volume of firewood used in the cure process of tobacco leaves, representing up to 10% of its production cost. An alternative is the use of agroindustry residues, such as sawdust or pellets. The objective of this study was to analyze the consumption and to characterize forestry biomass used in the tobacco cure process in farmers from Candelária, Southern Brazil, aiming the culture energetic efficiency. Forestry biomass consumption, residues formation after combustion and biomass quality were verified. In terms of available energy, the consumption for each kilogram of dry tobacco was 77.23 MJ for firewood, 61.40 MJ for sawdust and 37.51 MJ for pellets. Pellets presented the best physicochemical characteristics for use as energy, as well as the lowest consumption and the lowest organic fraction present in combustion residues.
bioenergy, tobacco production, energetic efficiency
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