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Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Wood Science and Technology

Quality of Wood and Charcoal from Eucalyptus Clones for Metallurgical Use

Diego Correa Ramos; Angélica de Cássia Oliveira Carneiro; Merete Tangstad; Raghed Saadieh; Bárbara Luísa Corradi Pereira

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ABSTRACT: The objectives of the present work were to determine the properties of wood and charcoal from Eucalyptus clones and assess impacts of charcoal features on the CO2 gasification reactivity and to compare with coke reactivity. Gasification reactivity was performed using charcoal particles in a furnace setup at 820 °C, under CO2 atmosphere. The results show that there is wood variability among evaluated clones and strong correlations between wood and charcoal properties. All charcoals had higher reactivity in comparison to coke. The decrease in porosity and increase in apparent density in Eucalyptus wood led to a slight decrease of CO2 gasification reactivity. In addition, strong positive correlation between charcoal reactivity and potassium concentration (K) was found.


CO2 gasification, reductant materials, biocarbon


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