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Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Forest Management

Allometric Equations to Predict Pinus palustris Biomass in the Southeastern United States

Aline Araújo Farias; Salvador A. Gezan; Melissa Pisaroglo de Carvalho; Antonio Carlos Ferraz Filho; Carlos Pedro Boechat Soares

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ABSTRACT: Pinus palustris Mill. ecosystem is considered one of the most threatened of North America. In this context, studies on biomass quantification are fundamental for forest management plans. Thus, the objective of this study was to develop a set of allometric equations to predict total P. palustris stump-biomass. Biomass data were collected at different locations in the southeastern United States. A total of 119 allometric equations were fitted from the combination of explanatory variables: diameter at breast height (DBH), height (H), age (I), basal area (G), number of trees per hectare (N), site index (S) and quadratic diameter (Dq). One of the models that presented the lowest residual standard error (Sy.x) and root mean square error (RMSE) was ln(W) = -0.9978+0.7082.(H)+0.1009.ln(H.DBH)-0.5310.(N)-0.0003.ln(Dq). Therefore, the insertion of dendrometric variables characteristic of forest stands has great efficacy in biomass prediction for trees from different sites.


forest management, modeling, regression


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