Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Research Article Conservation of Nature

Sexual Systems of Plants in a Brazilian Montane Forest

Monique Perini; Henrique Machado Dias; Sustanis Horn Kunz

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ABSTRACT: In this study, vegetation reproduction has been investigated in order to understand aspects of speciation, structuring and composition of plant communities. Thus, we sought to characterize the frequency of sexual systems from species recorded in seed rain occurring in a tropical rainforest (Atlantic Forest) in Caparaó National Park, Espírito Santo State, Brazil. We collected the seed rain for twelve months, classified and recorded the species for: sexual system; pollination and dispersion syndrome; and fruit type. Then we measured the correlation between these attributes through correspondence analysis. Regarding sexual systems, 71% were hermaphrodites, 13% dioecious, and 11% monoecious. Hermaphrodites are best associated with pollination, dispersion and fruit types, represented by 65% of data variance. This study may contribute to elaborating management and conservation programs taking into account the interaction of plants with the local fauna.


seed rain, reproductive ecology, woody layer, Caparaó National Park, Atlantic Forest


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