Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Forest Management

Estimation of the Basic Wood Density of Native Species Using Mixed Linear Models

Jeferson Pereira Martins Silva; Márcia Rodrigues de Moura Fernandes; Anny Francielly Ataide Gonçalves; Isáira Leite e Lopes; Gilson Fernandes da Silva; Christian Dias Cabacinha

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ABSTRACT: This paper aimed to estimate the basic density (DB) of the wood of Cerrado species using mixed linear models. For performing the DBH measurement, the sampling of 334 individuals was carried out. By keeping the Pilodyn apparatus in the DBH position, two measurements were made on opposite sides. Further, for determining DB, the trees were knocked down, followed by removal of five wood discs at different height of stem positions. For this purpose, two sets of modeling alternatives were proposed, which take into account with and without random effects, employing species as a random effect grouping variable. Thus, it was elucidated that, for the estimation of DB, the mixed model that considered the random effects performed better as compared to the alternative model without random effects. The inclusion of random effects leads to the estimation of DB with high accuracy.


Cerrado stricto sensu, wood quality, regression


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