Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Landscape Ecology in a Watershed of the Ocoy River, Western Parana State, Brazil

Diogo Seganfredo; Bruna Cunha; Vanderlei Leopold Magalhães; Roque Cielo-Filho; Carla Daniela Câmara

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ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the landscape structure of a watershed located in a region considered strategic for the implementation of the Paraná River Biodiversity Corridor. Based on land-use/land-cover mapping, four different scenarios were generated: 1) real situation, 2) considering the edge effect, 3) without Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs), and 4) with restoration of the riparian APPs. Different landscape metrics were calculated for each scenario. In scenario 2, only 28% of the total natural vegetation cover remained as core areas. In scenario 3, there was a considerable increase in forest fragmentation. In scenario 4, an expressive increase in landscape connectivity was promoted. In conclusion, a relatively small increase in natural vegetation cover can promote considerable increase in landscape connectivity and restoration of the riparian APPs in watersheds of the region should be considered as a priority action for the implementation of the Paraná River Biodiversity Corridor.


connectivity, landscape metrics, biodiversity corridors


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