Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Socioeconomic Changes and Land Use and Land Cover of the Northern Region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Ivan Luís Rovani; Vanderlei Secretti Decian; Elisabete Maria Zanin; Marciana Brandalise; Franciele Rosset Quadros; Luiz Ubiratan Hepp

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Abstract: The dynamics of land use and cover at different spatial and temporal scales allows us to evaluate changes in landscapes, socioeconomic system and impacts on the natural environment. Land use and land cover changes and socioeconomic activities of the Northern Region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil were analyzed over a 20-year scale. Using images from the Landsat 5 sensor TM, land use and land cover maps were obtained for 1991, 2001 and 2011, in which agricultural uses, native vegetation and pasture presented a significant difference between the years. We identified two scenarios for the region: the northern portion presents a reduction in agricultural areas and an increase in pasture and native vegetation, while the southern portion presents a constancy of agricultural areas. The predominant agricultural uses and socioeconomic factors determined the major changes in landscape structure. The effects of these changes resulted in a reduction in the area of agricultural uses and expansion of native vegetation and pasture areas.


replacement use, rural exodus, environmental legislation, agricultural uses, environmental management


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