Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Wood Technology and Bioenergy

Prediction of Properties of Sclerolobium paniculatum and Qualea grandiflora Charcoal

Teddy Diogo Rios Terra; Renato da Silva Vieira; Edy Eime Pereira Baraúna

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ABSTRACT: There is a lack of techniques for the rapid and accurate determination of wood quality for charcoal production with good energy characteristics. The association of NIR spectroscopy and important charcoal parameters allows the prediction of these characteristics. This is a fast method that does not require sample preparation before the reading. The spectral readings were performed with solid and ground samples, and presented the second best representation of the evaluated parameters. Data went was adjusted to correct for variations that could occur during the spectra reading. The treatment with the best results was the normal transformation of variation. The evaluated spectra were able to explain 77% of the data for the variable gravimetric yield, 88% for volatile materials content and 86% for fixed carbon content.


NIR spectroscopy, wood quality, biomass energy


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