ABSTRACT: This research was conducted in wood harvesting and transportation areas in the mountainous region of Espírito Santo, Brazil, aiming to analyze the road transportation of forestry wood operations with self-loading trucks. The study identified and evaluated the times, average speed, mechanical availability, level of use and operating efficiency of three different designs of self-loading trucks. According to the results, there was no statistical difference between the vehicles regarding average speed. The highest mechanical availability was found in truck A (93.2%), followed by B (84.3%) and C (79.8%). The greater degree of utilization was found in truck B (91.8%), with little variation between vehicles C (90.0%) and A (89.9%). The highest operating efficiency was observed in truck A (83.9%), followed by B (77.4%) and C (71.8%). We concluded that self-loading truck A was the most efficient.
technical and forestry operations, timber transport, loading and unloading
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