Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Flora and Annual Distribution of Flowers and Fruits in the Ubajara National Park, Ceará, Brazil

Andréa Pereira Silveira; Bruno Sousa de Menezes; Maria Iracema Bezerra Loiola; Luiz Wilson Lima-Verde; Dalva Neta e Zanina; Ellen Cristina Dantas de Carvalho; Bruno Cruz de Souza; Rafael Carvalho da Costa; Waldir Mantovani; Marcelo Oliveira Teles de Menezes; Lilian Maria Araújo Flores; Francisco Carlos Barboza Nogueira; Ligia Queiroz Matias; Lívia Silvia Barbosa; Fernanda Melo Gomes; Luciana Silva Cordeiro; Valéria da Silva Sampaio; Maria Edenilce Peixoto Batista; Raimundo Luciano Soares Neto; Maria Arlene Pessoa da Silva; Natália Barbosa Campos; Arycelle Alves de Oliveira; Francisca Soares de Araujo

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Abstract: Although the conservation of tropical biodiversity depends on protected areas, there is still a very large ‘gap’ of knowledge on the flora of Brazilian reserves, especially in the Northeast region of Brazil. Field and herbarium surveys of the phanerogamic flora of the Ubajara National Park, located on the Brazilian Northeast, were made and analyses on phenology and dispersal syndromes were performed. 418 taxa (213 trees and shrubs, 100 terrestrial herbs, 68 climbing plants, 33 sub-shrubs, two epiphytes, one hemiparasite and one aquatic herb) were recorded. The most representative families were: Fabaceae, Malvaceae, Asteraceae, Rubiaceae and Euphorbiaceae. The annual flowering / fruiting peak hypothesis was not fully confirmed, therefore, the forest may be an important food resource for the fauna all year long (especially in the moister region). Zoochory was the predominant dispersal syndrome in the moister area, whereas, autochory and anemochory together, predominated in the drier area.


biodiversity, mountain forest, protected areas, evergreen forest, deciduous forest


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