Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Litter Dynamics in a Forest Dune at Restinga da Marambaia, RJ, Brazil

Rodrigo Camara; Marcos Gervasio Pereira; Luis Fernando Tavares Menezes; Aurora Bayma Segall; João Sérgio Ramalho Castro

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ABSTRACT: Restingas are extremely degraded, tropical sandy ecosystems and are poorly studied in terms of nutrient cycling. The present study aimed to evaluate litter dynamics in a forest dune at Restinga da Marambaia, RJ. Litterfall was collected monthly using two parallel transects installed 200 m apart from each other with 15 litter traps (0.25 m2), over two consecutive years. The litterfall was sorted into leaves, twigs, flowers, fruits, and refuse. Litter decomposition was evaluated by the ratio between litterfall and litter layer on the soil surface, which was estimated every four months by quadrats (0.25 m2) placed next to the litter traps. The average annual litterfall was low (6.8 t ha-1 year-1 ), mostly constituted by leaves (70%), with the greatest deposits occurring during the rainy season. The decomposition rate was low (0.85) and the turnover time was long (439 days). This litter dynamic contributes to the nutrient economy.


litter, nutrient cycling, sandy coastal plain, tropical forest


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