Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Short Communication Conservation of Nature

Seasonality and the Relationships Between Reproductive and Leaf Phenophases In Myrtaceae Using Field and Herbarium Data

Jonathan Tejeda Orellana; Jociene Oliveira Vitória Nascimento; Jorge Grilo; Sâmia Paula Santos Neves; Lia D’; Afonsêca Pedreira de Miranda; Ligia Silveira Funch

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Abstract Phenological studies are considerably complemented through field data and herbarium collection databases. We examined the seasonality and relationships between leafing and reproductive phenophases using field observations and herbarium data of Campomanesia eugenioides var. desertorum, Eugenia punicifolia, and Psidium schenckianum, all native species of Myrtaceae. Field observations were performed in a caatinga remnant in Bahia State, Brazil; HUEFS herbarium collections were examined. In general, all species showed seasonal reproductive phases and aseasonal leaf phases, and Spearman correlations were observed between those phases. Field observations and herbarium collections were similar and complementary, providing clues about seasonality and the relationship between leaf and reproductive phases of Myrtaceae species.


phenology, tropical plants, Campomanesia eugenioides, Eugenia punicifolia, Psidium schenckianum


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