Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Silviculture

Composition of Caatinga Species Under Anthropic Disturbance and Its Correlation With Rainfall Partitioning

Maria Gabriela de Queiroz; Thieres George Freire da Silva; Carlos André Alves de Souza; Alexandre Maniçoba da Rosa Ferraz Jardim; George do Nascimento Araújo Júnior; Luciana Sandra Bastos de Souza; Magna Soelma Beserra de Moura

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Abstract The vegetation structure is a good indicator of the conservation condition of an ecosystem, since it reflects alterations caused by anthropic action. This study proposes to analyze the phytosociological aspects of the Caatinga domain under anthropic disturbance and their correlations with hydrological variables. Twenty-five 400 m 2 plots were sampled in the municipality of Floresta - PE, Brazil. Phytosociological parameters such as density, frequency and dominance were calculated. The seasonality of plant area index was analyzed for six species. The association between structural characteristics and hydrological variables (throughfall, stemflow and interception loss) in the species was evaluated by multivariate analysis. A total of 930 individuals, six families and 10 species were recorded. The abundance of the species Cenostigma pyramidale in the area may be an indicator of the degree of change in the vegetation. The structural characteristics of the species revealed little association with rainfall partitioning.


phytosociology, plant area index, semi-arid


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