Improving the Performance Properties of Impregnated Wood with its Subsequent Utilization into a Biochar Sorbent
Konstantin Zhuzhukin, Elena Tomina, Andrey Ponomarev, Danil Skudar, Larisa Belchinskaya, Tatiana Grodetskaya, Anatoly Lukin, Alexander Tretyakov
Wood is a common natural polymeric material with hydrophilicity and low biostability with a limited service life. The article considers the issue of using a multicomponent composition (used motor oil, rosin, paraffin) for impregnating birch wood and giving it increased water resistance, bio- and dimensional stability. The possibility of recycling the used impregnated wood to obtain a biochar adsorbent was shown. The impregnating composition was characterized by the FTIR method to assess the possibility of interaction between the functional groups of the impregnating composition and wood. Moisture and water absorption decreased by more than 4 and 6 times. Volumetric swelling decreased by 57% relative to untreated wood, the effectiveness against swelling after 30 days was 46%. The high efficiency of the impregnating composition against the wood biodegradation has been established. The method of micro-X-ray tomography determined a high degree of filling of the anatomical structures of wood.
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