Composition, Structure and Diversity of Vegetation on Asphalt Post-Mining Sites in Buton Island, Indonesia
Albasri Albasri, Faisal Danu Tuheteru, Husna Husna, Sugeng Budiharta, Edy Jamal Tuheteru, Sri Mulyono, Tedi Yunanto, Veni Karlin
Studies related to reclamation on asphalt post-mining land are lacking. This study aimed to analyze the diversity of vegetation on asphalt post-mining sites in Buton, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The study focused on the composition, structure and diversity of plants on asphalt post-mining sites with varying ages (0-20 years) and overburden conditions. In total, this study recorded 105 plant species belonging to 37 families with richness index of 0.33-6.30 (low-high), diversity index of 0.31-2.96 (low-medium), and evenness index of 0.28-0.94 (low-high). The highest number of plant species was observed on the 7-year-old overburden site (46 species), suggesting that post-mining age is not necessarily the determinant factor of vegetation condition. There was arrested succession on the post-mining site with no overburden, implying that management of overburden is essential. Our study recommends that active planting using species from Rubiaceae family can be applied for reclamation of degraded land on asphalt post-mining areas.
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