The Composition and Termicidal Activity of Vinegar from Medang Wood (Cinnamomum sp.) under Different Pyrolysis Temperature
Hasan Ashari Oramahi, Rizka Diah Permana, Farah Diba, Yuliati Indrayani
The degradation of wood caused by termite infestations is widely recognized as a substantial concern. Therefore, the development of alternative, environmentally-friendly preservation of wood is needed to reduce environmental pollution. The study aimed to analyze the chemical properties of vinegar from medang wood (Cinnamomum sp.) and assess its effectiveness as a termicidal activity against Coptotermes curvignathus. Wood vinegar is made by the pyrolysis method. Pyrolysis is carried out by inserting of air-dried medang wood particles into a pyrolysis reactor and was heated up to the desired temperature of 370, 400, 430°C with the pyrolysis time was 180 minutes. Wood vinegars were tested at various concentrations (2.0-10.0%, v/v) against C. curvignathus in a no-choice test. Result shows that an 8% concentration was required to achieve 100% mortality against C. curvignathus at a 430°C pyrolysis temperature. The lowest mass loss of treated filter paper, 11.99%, was obtained with a 430°C - 10.0% combination.
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