Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Forest Management

Spectral Evaluation of Cocoa: A Methodological Proposal for its Management and Application of the Cabruca Decree

Pedro Jeronimo de Carvalho Neves Cavalcante, Roberto Ferreira Machado Michel, Maurício Santana Moreau, Arlicélio de Queiroz Paiva, Rafael Henrique de Freitas Noronha, Tássio Moreira Silva

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The cocoa cabruca is as an agroforestry system with a density of trees equal to or greater than twenty individuals of native species per hectare cultivated in association with native or exotic trees in a discontinuous and random way in the Atlantic Forest biome.It is difficult to separate areas of cabruca cacao from the Dense Ombrophilous Forest by existing satellite imaging techniques.The study was developed in the southern region of Bahia, on two properties in the municipalities of Ilhéus and Uruçuca.The image processing methodology involved the Agisoft Photoscan software, with the multiresolution algorithm, the analysis of digital image data was performed to extract the objects and with the Feature Space Optimization tool, the set of variables that presented the best separation between land use classes.The use of UAVs was effective in classifying the mapped areas, and its use was proposed as an auxiliary tool in the application of the Decree.


Agroforestry system; Cabruca cocoa; Atlantic Forest; Remote sensing.


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