Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Silviculture

Limonium brasiliense (Boiss.) Kuntze Seeds: Disinfestation and Conservation of Viability Under Storage

Julia Gastmann, Eduarda Demari Avrella, Mara Cíntia Winhelmann, Lucélia Hoehne, Elisete Maria de Freitas, Claudimar Sidnei Fior

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This study evaluated the effect of disinfestation methods and different storage environments on the germination of seeds of Limonium brasiliense (Boiss.) Kuntze. Seeds were disinfested using ethanol followed by sodium hypochlorite; water under agitation; and no disinfestation from two origins. Longevity was tested by storing the seeds in a cold chamber, dry chamber, and at ambient laboratory temperature. Beginning of germination (BG), percentage (%G), and mean germination time (MGT) and mean germination speed index (MGSI) were evaluated. Data were submitted to an analysis of variance, comparison of mean values and a polynomial regression analysis (p<0.05). In the disinfestation, there was significant difference in %G and MGT only between origins. For longevity, IG and MGSI had a positive and negative linear behavior, respectively, while %G had a quadratic behavior. L. brasiliense seeds disinfestation does not affect germination. Dry chamber was the most suitable storage environment.


Germination; Plumbaginaceae; therapeutic potential; seed propagation


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