Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Short Communication Silviculture

Araucaria Angustifolia: Influence of Mother Tree Sex and Provenance in Grafting Success

Mônica Moreno Gabira, Rosimeri de Oliveira Fragoso, Ivar Wendling, Carlos Andre Stuepp

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The development of vegetative propagation programs of Araucaria angustifolia still lacks on information about genetic factor that may influence on its success. We aimed to evaluate how mother tree sex and provenance influence on grafting success. So, we collected orthotropic branches from 26 mother trees male and female, of a clonal garden established from matrices from different provenances, and carried out an experiment using a patch grafting technique. Grafting survival, number and length of shoots did not differ between mother tree sex and provenance. The absence of significant variations between mother trees and no correlation with sex or provenance indicates that the morphological characteristics of rootstocks and shoots, and environmental conditions after grafting may have more influence on the success of grafting.


Clonal silviculture; patch grafting technique; vegetative propagation


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