The Reintroduction of Threatened Plants by Bogor Botanic Gardens: Lessons Learned from Ujung Kulon National Park
Iyan Robiansyah, Dodo
To support threatened plant conservation, Bogor Botanic Gardens (BBG) has reintroduced 5 threatened plant species in Ujung Kulon National Park (UKNP) in 2009 and 2014. All reintroduced plants were propagated from seeds of BBG living collections, except Vatica bantamensis which came from wildings collected in UKNP. After transplantation in 2009, the survival and growth rate was monitored at six months, one year and eight years period, while those transplanted in 2014 were only monitored in 2017. The average survival rate varied depending on species and reintroduction sites, with the highest and lowest values being observed for Diospyros macrophylla at Dungus Balang and V. bantamensis at Legon Pakis, respectively. Seedlings transplanted at sites with more open canopy cover grew taller with larger diameters. Based on this study, local communities’ involvement through seedling supervision, prevention and reduction of disturbances as well as post-planting management were very important for the reintroduction success.
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