Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Short Communication Forest Management

African Mahogany Plantation Highlights in Brazil

Antonio C. Ferraz Filho, Andressa Ribeiro, Gaël U. D. Bouka, Milton Frank Júnior, Gilberto Terra

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African mahogany is the common name of species from the Khaya genus and yields high value timber. It is planted in monocultures and agrosilvipastoral systems in Brazil since the 90’s. Here we relate the taxonomic identification of the most planted African mahogany species in Brazil, changing from Khaya ivorensis A. Chev. to K. grandifoliola C. DC. Currently we estimate there is circa 50 thousand hectares of plantations in Brazil, half concentrated in the Southeast region, with the most planted species K. grandifoliola, followed by K. senegalensis (Desr.) A. Juss.


Khaya grandifoliola ; Khaya ivorensis ; Khaya senegalensis ; Taxonomic identification; high-value timber species


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