Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente

About the Journal

Basic Information

Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro-UFRRJ
Instituto de Florestas
FLORAM - Revista Floresta e Ambiente
e-mail: floramjournal@gmail.com

Floresta e Ambiente is a scientific journal, free access, started in 1994 and published by the Forest Institute of Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, printed in digital format (ISSN 2179-8087).It has as the main objective disseminate originals articles, review articles or bibliographic updates and short communication, related to Forestry Science. Will be considered accepted for submission and publication related articles the following thematic areas of Forest Science: Forestry, Forest Management, Wood Science and Technology, Forest Products, Forest Biomass and Energy and Conservation of Nature. It will be deemed accepted for publication themes that fall at the forefront of pure and applicable science. Research papers are works whose results arose from factual information of the data obtained experimentally or collected in the literature or others reliable sources. Review articles are deemed articles of special content whose relevance fits the need of the complete literature base of certain topic. Scientific communication articles are articles that describe an innovative character event and of great importance in the forestry science field.


  • CiteScore (Scopus - 2022): 1.8
  • Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate - 2022): 0.8 (highest impact factor among Brazilian forestry science journals)
  • SJR (Scimago - 2023): 0.25
  • H5-index (Google Scholar - 2024): 17 (14th place in the world ranking in Wood Science & Technology)
  • Qualis Capes: B2

Indexing Sources

Intellectual Property

All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.


  •  Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ
  •  Ministério de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
  •  Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnologia - CNPq
  •  Ministério da Educação
  •  Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Capes
  •  Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - FAPERJ


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